The good folks from MoCoNews report that Boston-based firm ZeeToo whose business is the production of mobile joysticks (yes, you read that correctly) raised a first round worth a respectable $6.9m. We read that “the company’s Zeemote controllers communicate with mobiles via Bluetooth, and enable exchange of data and applications with the handsets. The company has also developed other controllers, including a trackball controller for use as a mouse on a mobile phone, an accelerometer based controller for games that are controlled with motion and gestures, and a special car keyfob designed for use in location-based services (LBS) applications.”

I must admit that I am rather hesitant to believe in this venture’s success although I naturally wish them all the very best. At least, respectable mobile game developer Finblade (the guys who founded and run IOMO, which was then sold to Infospace) developed a game that is “powered” by the controller. However, I am not sure if people will get used to this (“do I have everything I need? Wallet, keys, phone, errm, joystick?”), and I must also say that I don’t think the video in the previous link would appear to entice people into embarking onto that adventure…