Tag: podcast

Conference: GDC San Francisco

I will be setting off to San Francisco to seek out the geek fest that is GDC (or, to mere mortals, the Game Developers Conference).

Scoreloop (for who I am doing some work as you will have found out by now), are throwing a party (with PocketGamer and MPlayIt) and you should let me know if you think you should be there but an invite has escaped you.

We have some exciting stuff to tell (some may have seen the podcast we did with Motorola and MySpace and there is more to come), so please get in touch (contact form) if you want to meet.

As a result, I may be a little silent over the next week or so. Bear with me…

RIM eats Chalk

Blackberry maker Research in Motion is acquiring mobile content deployment solutions provider (quite a mouthful!) Chalk Media for $18.7m in cash. Chalk to what they call “pushcasts”, which – if I understand it correctly – is basically pushing podcasts to smartphones. The Vancouver-based company is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, so it still requires shareholder approval, and the deal is therefore not closed yet.

The move is a neat one: podcasts are increasingly used in the corporate environment for staff communications of all sorts, and the enterprise being the stronghold for RIM, it makes a lot of sense to strengthen its service offering by adding such a tool.
RIM has of course got under fire by Apple‘s iPhone and this will presumably continue being the case also by the higher-end Android-based phones who have been nibbling away (see here and here) on the Blackberry’s pedestal as the businessman’s (and woman’s) favourite gadget. A lot to defend then, and the price would therefore not seem to be excessive at all… Stringent rationale, me thinks…

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