Tag: mjelly

Carnival of the Mobilists #168

Due to the Nevada frenzy also known as CTIA Wireless there wasn’t much from me last week but, thank goodness, there were others, and so I suggest to browse to this week’s Carnival of the Mobilists, hosted this time by James Cooper on his mjelly mobile 2.0 blog over here. Lots to read there: why games are to blame for the iPhone’s incapability to multi-task, what operators need to do to innovate (hint: listen to your customer…), mobile advertising, and, and, and… Go and enjoy!

And, yes, the image shows the reception area (!) of the Bellagio… Oh dear…

Carnival of the Mobilists #157

Another week, another carnival. #157 is hosted over at mjelly this week. Check it out here! Lots of goodies in there, including the Nokia biography by Tomi Ahonen, well something like that at least 😉

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