Tag: m-trends

Carnival of the Mobilists #180

This week’s Carnival of the Mobilists is hosted by Rudy de Waele on his unmissable M-Trends blog. Rudy gives us a round up of last week’s mobile blogging highlights in spite of injury… Hats off as always! Hope you get better soon!

His contributor lists reads like a who’s who of mobile blogs: Ajit Jaokar, Carl Martin, Carlo Longino, Dennis Bournique, C. Enrique Ortiz, James Coops, Jamie Wells, Judy Breck, Marek Pawloski, Mark K. Kramer, Phil Barrett, Ronan Mandel and Tomi T Ahonen all contributed (yes, I know I was missing; no time to blog I’m afraid…).

Go head over to M-Trends now to get some inspiration!

Conference: Mobile 2.0 Europe

Mobile guru and blogger extraordinaire Rudy de Waele is bringing us the next iteration of the very successful (and exciting!) Mobile 2.0 conference to Europe this year. The 2-day event takes place in Barcelona on 18/19 June 2009 and focusses on the emerging mobile ecosystems and disruptive mobile innovation (for more on disruptive innovation [re-]read Clayton Christensen’s “The Innovator’s Dilemma“), grouped around six separate themes. This then looks as follows:
Rudy and his team have lined up a cool speaker line-up to illustrate each theme, comprising the creme de la creme of European operators, VCs, handset makers and application and service providers, including the CEO of Dopplr, Head of LBS at Vodafone, the CMO of Smaato, the Head of O2 Litmus, etc, etc.
The conference website can be found here. Sign up, it’s well worth it!

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